Saturday, August 28, 2010

Day 1 of 40

Today was a very interesting day. My home office has been in disarray for some time and I've procrastinated beginning the task of cleaning and organizing it. It seems tied to my life as a whole. I'm in a routine that is predictable but pretty much stagnant. When i make a list of things to do, it seems eerily familiar; as if I've made the exact same list before and not acted upon it. I've had great moments of clarity where I realize that I need to commit to a course of action. But, it feels like I'm sitting at a bus station waiting for a bus to arrive with a name that I recognize. I'll get on it when I see the right one. But, it never seems to be the right one.

So, today, I started on the office. I must admit the wife "encouraged" me to get moving. She really knows how to push the right buttons. I worked at it all day and into the night. I've made good progress. I'm not going to rush the work because I know that if I take my time and do it right, it will pay dividends.

Around noon, I sat down at the computer to take a brief break from the work. I noticed on facebook that the Glenn Beck event, Restoring Honor, was in progress. So, I went to the video feed just in time to hear Glenn's main address. I was enthralled. Here was a radio talk show personality that was describing my current spiritual condition and telling me how to correct it! He was speaking of a national character crisis and how that condition could only be remedied by individuals adopting a principles of our founding fathers; Faith, Hope and Charity! As he talked I realized that to achieve the success I desired in business, I would have to make this commitment too. I felt the Holy Spirit moving within me. The message resonated in my soul.

As Mr. Beck told me that I must return to prayer, on bended knees, I knew he was right. He said that I must seek the truth of who I am and endure whatever pain it brought so that I can be free. Again, he was right. He said that I must tithe. I do give but I don't tithe. He was right. At that moment I made the commitment. I will commit to Faith, Hope and Charity. I will find a church that makes me a better man and I will do what must be done. I will recommit to God. I will find the truth of who I am and why I am here. I will find my mission and I begin to work on that mission. I will begin to tithe and trust that God will take care of me.

I watched a little more of the show after Mr. Beck finished. Then I went back to work on my office with a renewed sense of purpose. Later in the evening, I visited and found the page about the 40 days and 40 nights. I signed the pledge and was number 77583 on the list to sign it. Literally, today is the first day of the rest of my life. I begin to pray on my knees this night and will do so in the morning as well. I started this blog so that I may chronicle my thoughts and activities as I progress through these 40 days and nights.

I do not know if anyone will take the time to read this. I'm writing it for me. If you do read this and have a comment, I'd be pleased to read it.

Thank you my Lord for this day. I am not worthy to received you but I ask you to come into my life and lead me.

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